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Economic condition of dalits


Economic condition of dalits

Dalits are the sucked people of our society. The caste based discrimination was started from the reign of king Jayastithi malla. Dalits are compelled to perform a outrage work which used their skill, labour and blood but income is less. And their time for work is undurable. They have to engaged in their work for whole day.

The economic condition of dalit are so bad. They can't offer their children to let them to go school, provide them nutritients food, good dresses and so on. Having inclination of luxurious life they are compelled to pass a tyrannical life. In comparison to other's dalits are facing alots of problems. Dalits inception work from a small and complete in the small work inasmuch as higher and upper class family never let them to rise up. Working in the dirty dump, in iron ore, as a serf and so on are as their inbred work. The highest and upper class people beyond the dalits have a habits snobhery. They think dalits are only their serf to work in their house and field, like a cattle help in field. So dalits are only sucked but never get chance to rise up and transfigured their economic condition.

Our country is a poor one and dalits are the poorest citizen of the country. For the development of country dalits should also be rise up. The economic condition of the country can be aspiring if following things are come in practise:
1. Firstly dalits children should be provided education, the nutrients food.

2. Different types of skill developing programme should be held for dalits and backward female.

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