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Race between male and female



Females are the light of nation. They give light to nation. All of we are able to walk on the way to progress due to the female (i.e as a role of mother). Female make the family to run happily with full of joy and prosperity, Female make the society, Female make the nation and Female make the world beautiful by her love, grace and work. And the female are so careful and hardworking. Also they are very much sensitive beyond their family, society, country and world.

But the problem is that, ours society thoughts that male and female are different chapter or different part. They always dominant the females. Females are kept backward in every sector i.e they are not allowed for education, for participation in any social work and so on, which create the main problem. We know our society is a male dominated society. We have seen male dominates the ignorant and

Poverty alleviation for dalits



Poverty alleviation for dalits id=

Poverty means the situation where the person is not able to fulfill the basic requirements of his life. Poverty is the serious problem of our country. National income is low and the growth rate of population is very high as a result of that per-capita income is very low incomparison to other countries. Poverty is the main cause as well as the consequence for the under-development of the country.

Poverty alleviation for dalits means reducing the poverty level of dalits. We cannot completely eradicate poverty but slowly reduce the poverty level. Specially the poorest life is passing by dalits. Higher and upper caste people had rise up but dalits today's also in a same condition. So, the main target of all the five year plans. Since 8th five year plan is to alleviate poverty. There are different measures to alleviate poverty from Nepal. Some of them are as follows:

1. Reduce population growth: By reducing population high growth rate poverty alleviate. As population grows the facilities also become less.This problem is created due to the lack of education and knowledge. If population growth rate reduce than the existing population do not face the economic problem. If we reduce poverty problem of Nepal then country will be developed and the people of the country will be developed and the people of the country.
2. Development of industrial and agricultural sectors: This is the main problem of our country because all of the resists people are engaged in the agriculture. Their livestock and livehood is overall agriculture and they are not totally basis on industrial sector. So, due to this reason poverty level increases . If we totally give priority to both of these then with the development of the country.
3. Get employment oppurtunities.
4. Human resources development.
5. Utilisation of natural resources.
6. Political stability.
7. Development of infrastructure.
8. Social reforms.

Economic condition of dalits



Economic condition of dalits

Dalits are the sucked people of our society. The caste based discrimination was started from the reign of king Jayastithi malla. Dalits are compelled to perform a outrage work which used their skill, labour and blood but income is less. And their time for work is undurable. They have to engaged in their work for whole day.

The economic condition of dalit are so bad. They can't offer their children to let them to go school, provide them nutritients food, good dresses and so on. Having inclination of luxurious life they are compelled to pass a tyrannical life. In comparison to other's dalits are facing alots of problems. Dalits inception work from a small and complete in the small work inasmuch as higher and upper class family never let them to rise up. Working in the dirty dump, in iron ore, as a serf and so on are as their inbred work. The highest and upper class people beyond the dalits have a habits snobhery. They think dalits are only their serf to work in their house and field, like a cattle help in field. So dalits are only sucked but never get chance to rise up and transfigured their economic condition.

Our country is a poor one and dalits are the poorest citizen of the country. For the development of country dalits should also be rise up. The economic condition of the country can be aspiring if following things are come in practise:
1. Firstly dalits children should be provided education, the nutrients food.

2. Different types of skill developing programme should be held for dalits and backward female.
