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Today's Dalit Condition


We all are very well familiar with this word, "Dalit".While listening it is not so painful but when we come in ignorance due to this word we feel what they are facing. People treat dalit as if they are not member of their society. They think, whatever they think, whatever they do are useless. Nation also has't seek their problem yesterday, today and may be tomorrow. So Dalit's are facing alot's of problem in their life. Actually the main problem of the dalit is that they are not getting chance to do what they wants. They also have the creative mind, they also have will to do something for nation, so dalits should given main priority in every sectors today. The main focus for dalits should be given to the following things:
  1. Education for dalits children: This is the one of the most important thing for the development of nation also individual development. We know any development work cannot move forward without this. Dalits are also the citizens of Nepal so they should also be involved in Education field. Mostly the economic condition of dalits are very poor so they can't send their child school. So nation should provide free education system also the nation should provide them books and copies. Then the dalit students parent will be able to send their child to gain knowledge in the school, college etc. Then only we can think the good education system and too the development of the country.
  2. Proper Human Rights: We commonly know that the people who are in the higher post not give value for the -people who are in the lower post than them. While saying everyone say human rights is equal for all but when they are in their practical life they ignore it. Everywhere , Every time dalit hadn't use their rights properly. They have to compromise every time for everything.

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