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Encourage Female Dalits



Encourage Female Dalits

1. Problems of female dalits
Above 50% of overall population are of female. So female should be forward for the good improvement of nation and world. We should try to took out the deeply rooted discrimination for female and thought and feeling of superiority and inferiority existing in the mind of the so called "high" caste or dominant community in Nepal.

Specially, for the dalit women it is very difficult for them to survive in their own way. They are dominated for becoming dalits first of all and secondly as a female. So they are facing a great problems before them. We had listen many social evils related to female like first of all females are not send school and college for their education, Secondly they are not getting their rights , thirdly they are strongly dominated by our societies. Whenever anyone of the female tried to grow up by enouraging themselves, our dominating society ensure them to discourage themselves.

All of you have obiviously listen about the girl's trafficking. Really, this problem is also related with our's societies females. In uneducated family, head of the family(ie. father) use his wife as a machine who born baby. Also waiting for son to continue their generation. The daughters in those family never lives happily. Here the mother and daughters both are the victims of their own family.They should start to fight from their own family then their society and so on. Also lack of education and knowledge female get captured in a prison, like a bird get priosoned in a prison. All of these are the problems of females specially for the dalit women of rural areas.

2. Prevention for the problems of female dalits:
Firstly it is necessary to root out the concept of male and female too the concept of discriminating people on the basis of caste. Then only, we could think about the way to encourage female dalits. They should be encourage in the following ways:

a) Firstly the laws should be made , for the dominating societies. The special and strengthened legislation should be enacted. Those who torture dalits and specially female's dalit, legislatio should play a vital action for them.

b) Every family should send their children either boy or girls to gain education. If poor family couldn't offer it their should be scholarship for them. Specially for female.

c) In the higher post also there should be 50% seat reserved for female and among them 30% should be for dalit female.

Wicked Tradition



Wicked Tradition

Wicked tradition is the main problem of our society. These unusual traditions doesn't lead our society, community and country in the way to progress. In the past days people were uneducated and illiterate so they used to beleive in unusual tradition and used to dominant the poor family, female and lower caste's people.

At the primordial time girls weren't send school, girls and womens weren't allowed to go out for any work. They are kept inside for household works only. Also, the early marriage was popular. Specially girls used to send to their husband house near the age of 9 and 10. If these are not happened then it will be the great curse of their life.

Also in the unusual tradition the concepts of visiting the witch doctors instead of visiting the hospital. Without their wish also they should follow their tradition because people are compelled by it . Poor family used to indebt their cattle's, houses and land to get money for short interval of time. In, case of not refunding the money in time sucker's used to exile them from their house and their land.

In the past days lower caste people are sucked by upper caste people. They used to do hardwork for upper caste people, they are kept always as serf and always dominant by upper caste people. Upper caste people were really pest for the dalits on the past days. According to their tradition dalit's touched water should not be used, their cooked food should not be eaten. But their skill, their labour, and their bloods are used. Really upper caste people and suckers were the dangerous pest for the poor and dalits. Dalits used to sew the clothes, dalits used to make the jewelleries, dalits used to make their furnitures, dalits used to make their houses and so on. And wearing their sewed clothes, wearing jewelleries sitting in the luxurous house over the c0mfortable sofa they thought they are great. But actually without dalits they are nothing.

All of this problem is due to our wicked tradition. So we should try to ignore it and make our think in the way to progress ourselves and our society, community and country too.

India's dalit history



India's dalit history
Untouchability (offences) Act 1955 of India: The offences Act 1955 in india has banned the practice of untouchability in the matters of employment, drinking water supply, offering worships, services in tea shop and hotels, journey by bus or train . Use of public places refusing to sell goods or rendering services and admission in hospital. The Act has made the practice of untouchability punishable in the form of fine and punishment.

The untouchability (offences) Amendment and miscellaneous Act 1976 has enhanced the punishment for first time offences, minimum and maximum imprisonment are one month and six months respectively. The fines are Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 respectively. The second time offence the fine is Rs. 200 to Rs. 500 and imprisonment of six months for third and subsequent offences, imprisonment is of one year and fine Rs. 200 to Rs. 10,000. But inspite of all such prohibitive measures, untouchability is still being practised. In rural areas, it is still a social reality. In urban areas too. It is prevlent , at least at the mental level.

Problems of untouchability



Problems of untouchability

The scheduled castes had to perform such unclean occupations as carrying night soil and dead animals cleaning urinals and cattle shed; washing clothes and performing certain duties. These occupations were treated as polluted or impure. So, people performing those occupations were treated as untouchables. On account of the practice of untouchability traditionally the scheduled castes had to suffer from the following types of disabilities.

1. No physical contact: The persons belonging to untouchable scheduled castes didn't participate in village meeting and worship. Their children didn't attend school and play with children of higher castes.

2.Ban on the use of common wells and tanks: The members belonging to scheduled castes were not allowed to use common village wells and tanks for fetching water. They had separate wells and ponds.

3.Prohibited from entering the temple: The scheduled castes persons are not allowed to enter the temple for offering worship. They are not supposed to hear religious related like offer prayer, study religious text.

4.Didn't receive service from other occupational castes: Priests, artisan castes, Dhobi and Dom didn't render their services to the persons of untouchable castes.

5.Non acceptance of cooked foods: The food cooked by shudra scheduled castes was not accepted by higher castes. Water from the hands of scheduled castes was also not acceptable. This system is still prevalent in our society.

6.Deprived from their Rights: They are always deprived from their rights. Their hardwork is sucked.In different ways by making different excuses they are deprived from their rights. Also they are not allowed to know the present situation of their society because higher castes people think what dalits can do by knowing it.

Inspire Dalits



We all are humans and no humans is superior or inferior, higher or lower, greater or smaller by caste. No one is expected to be discriminated or exploited in the basis of caste. But dalits are discriminating and exploiting dur to their caste. Our society have very selfish thought. They want to use the skills and labour of dalits but don't want to raise up them. Also they don't give them chance and opportunity which is only for them. Society compell to think they are unable, disabled and like a broken tree. Which is the main things to discourage them.

Dalits are also the citizens of Nepal. They also have their rights. So they, should also be bold to fight against their right and duties. NGO's and INGO's are helping them. Also they should held different awareness programme, for dalits specially of rural areas. They compell to think they are able to do what other can. They should be given different awareness training.

Government should also encourage them by launching free education system. So that their children could gain education. The people who used to avoid dalits should given big punishment and must give fine. If all this things are done then dalits will encourage themselves as they are also best.

NGO's and INGO's should held different awareness programme for dalits specially for rural areas dalits. They should compell to think they are also able to do what other can. They should be given different training and make themselves bold so that they can fight against their right and duties.

Segregating Society



Segregating SocietyNepal has been remarkably divided into 4 castes and 36 sub-castes by king Prithivi Narayan shah during his reign.In order to erase all forms of social discrimination, Constitution 2063 has included the right against untouchability and racial discrimination.

During the reign of Jayasthiti malla he divided the work in based of caste, which make the society discriminating. Also laxmi Prasad Devkota has appropriately remarked that man is always great by heart but not by caste.

But the society today's also segregating people inrespect to their caste. Outsidely they show they don't have the Tribal discrimination in their mind and behaviour but today's also baised things are errupting in their mind. We have closely seen dalits are always kept backward than other member in our society. Higher caste people wants to keep dalit always as a serf.

Our society has very selfish thought.They want to use the skill and labour of dalits but don't want to raise up them. Also they don't give them chance and oppurtunity which is only for them.This is the negative site of Segregating Society. We know very well segregating society never get progress.Recently dalits have begun to enter the temple to worship their deities which were strictly forbidden in the past by so-called upper-class. Also they are starting to do work in government office and NGO's are helping them. Nowadays Dalits children are also visiting school and participating in the programme of society, which is the positive progress of segregating society.

Today's Dalit Condition



We all are very well familiar with this word, "Dalit".While listening it is not so painful but when we come in ignorance due to this word we feel what they are facing. People treat dalit as if they are not member of their society. They think, whatever they think, whatever they do are useless. Nation also has't seek their problem yesterday, today and may be tomorrow. So Dalit's are facing alot's of problem in their life. Actually the main problem of the dalit is that they are not getting chance to do what they wants. They also have the creative mind, they also have will to do something for nation, so dalits should given main priority in every sectors today. The main focus for dalits should be given to the following things:
  1. Education for dalits children: This is the one of the most important thing for the development of nation also individual development. We know any development work cannot move forward without this. Dalits are also the citizens of Nepal so they should also be involved in Education field. Mostly the economic condition of dalits are very poor so they can't send their child school. So nation should provide free education system also the nation should provide them books and copies. Then the dalit students parent will be able to send their child to gain knowledge in the school, college etc. Then only we can think the good education system and too the development of the country.
  2. Proper Human Rights: We commonly know that the people who are in the higher post not give value for the -people who are in the lower post than them. While saying everyone say human rights is equal for all but when they are in their practical life they ignore it. Everywhere , Every time dalit hadn't use their rights properly. They have to compromise every time for everything.

Deprived family of our society



Deprived family of our society

In what was perhaps a controversial but telling comparison, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on December 27, 2006, likened discrimination against Dalits in India to the apartheid system in South Africa. A couple of months later, in February, Indian officials were busily denying the existence of caste discrimination and untouchable, in February 2007 in New York, before a leading U.N. human rights body — the committee in charge of monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The Indian Solicitor General flatly denied that caste discrimination was something the outside world should care about. This attitude of the Indian bureaucracy flatly flies in the face of not only the Prime Minister’s own statement, it does not fit in with India’s own track record in dealing with caste discrimination against Dalits, which should not make it act defensively but should make it more determined to wipe out such practices. This attitude also reveals a knee-jerk negativist mindset that the Indian foreign policy establishment has developed over the years towards international human rights, which needs to change.
